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The way that "bobby dazzler" is one of Gary's preferred terms (he has a large number of them!) bodes well since he's from Grimsby on the north-east shoreline of England. A source more customary, the Oxford Dictionary, characterizes the expression as "someone or something thought about surprising or brilliant". It's said to have begun in northern England, with the "dazzler" part identifying with "astonish". The "bobby" bit is to a greater degree a riddle as per the lexicon's etymologists, however "bobby" is a slang word for a cop in Britain. Anyway, you get the thought — a bobby dazzler is something unprecedented, certainly not normal, a stand-out unique. Sort of like Gary himself. Heavenly shamoley it's a bobby dazzler T-shirt
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The 1990s saw the resurgence of TV's everything American portrayal of urban life. Circumstance comedies wound up well known to parlor spectators, and Friends came as a characterizing expansion to our media utilization. The arrangement started in 1994, and has formed into a standout amongst the most globally effective TV sitcoms we will ever know. It has been converted into a few dialects, and has even been named in Japanese and Dutch.
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